Archive for June 20th, 2014

Outside SEO Tactics Used in the Past May Be Harming Existing Efforts

Jun 2014

Dear Clients,

As part of our ongoing monitoring efforts, we have noticed a recent trend of Google penalizing websites that have used shortcuts and various spamming techniques to achieve higher ranking – currently or in the past.
If you have unknowingly used unscrupulous marketing or SEO agencies in the past, your site may be suffering the consequences. They are often sold as quick, cheap and easy tactics, however they could be harming existing efforts.

Typically, these SEO firms offer some sort of guaranteed of rankings. They may have promised top ranking within 30 days or less. Remember, No one can guarantee a No. 1 ranking on Google. Be skeptical of anyone who sends an email out of the blue offering guarantees in placement. The phrase: “If it sounds too good to be true, it usual is” comes to mind.

Google rewards legitimacy and sites that play by the rules – and that’s how we operate at BigVoodoo Interactive. We know Google determines ranking based on a number of factors. Some of those top items include:

  • Hyperlinks coming to your site from other legitimate, trustworthy websites;
  • Trust, authority and reputation of your site;
  • How well your site handles desktop and mobile users; and
  • The speed at which your website loads (faster is better).

We’re Monitoring ‘Negative SEO’ Schemes Used to Push You Off Page One

The good news is that we build sites with strong domain authority, which are less susceptible to negative SEO tactics. Furthermore, Google has systems in place to review sites that might be affected, and the process allows for a swift recovery if something were to happen.

As part of our support and ongoing maintenance efforts, we closely monitor SEO factors that can easily be manipulated by competitors, and if we discover any negative SEO tactics are being used to harm your site.